Python Distilled

Technical Books
My notes on Python Distilled by David Beazley.

Tyler Hillery


January 5, 2024


  • Book is focused on presenting a modern yet curated core of the language.

  • I like the author’s opinion about not using python for large scale projects, ones with millions and millions of code.

  • This book is written during python 3.9 so it doesn’t not include some of the newer language features. Current version of python as of me reading this book is 3.12.

Chapter 1. Python Basics

  • REPL stands for read-evaluation-print-loop

  • The author brings up how he uses it as their desktop which I found funny because the first time I saw someone use python as their calculator was on Tsoding’s twitch stream. I remember thinking that was so odd but I guess it’s a lot more common than I think!

  • You can add type hinting to variable assignment by doing x: int = 42

  • With f-strings I did not know you could align them like print(f'{year:>3d} {principal:0.2f}')

  • Didn’t know divmod(x,y) which returns (x // y, x % y) existed. I could see this being handy.

  • Remember falsy values include False, None, 0, or empty

  • Python ternary expression a if a > b else b

  • If you have a large file you can read it in chunks like so:

    with open('data.txt') as file:
      while (chunk :=
        print(chunk, end='')
  • Common Python project structure

    • tutorial-project/
      • tutorial/
    • tests/
    • examples/
    • doc/
      • tutorial.txt

Chapter 2. Operators, Expressions, and Data Manipulation

  • Helpful tip I always forget about, you can use a _ to visual separate digits: 123_456_789

  • Interesting “truthiness” bug

    def foo(x, items=None):
      if not items: # should use if items is None otherwise a new list gets created
        items = []
    a = []
    foo(3,a) # nothing happens to a
  • I did not realize you could have multiple starred variables when unpacking more complex data structures

    datetime = ((5,19,2008), (10,30, "am"))
    (month, *_), (hour, *_) = datetime
  • I never heard of this way to unpack variables in assignment as splatting

    items = [1,2,3]
    a = [10, *items, 11]
    [10, 1, 2, 3, 11]
  • Be careful when assigning variables to other variables that are mutable data types such as list. What is really happening is now both variables have the same reference to the value (e.g. a list). If either variable mutates the list then the other variable with also see that change.

  • A generator expression is an object that carries out the same computation as a list comprehension but produces the result iteratively. You can only iterate over a generator expression once.

    nums = [1,2,3,4]
    squares = (x*x for x in nums)
    <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fd858580110>
  • The main difference between the generator vs list comprehensions is generator expressions merely know how to produce the data on demand while list comprehensions creates a list that contains the resulting data.

Chapter 3. Program Structure and Control Flow

  • break and continue statements apply only to the innermost loop being executed.

  • else clause of a loop only executes if the loop runs to completion

  • You should only catch exceptions from which your code can actually recover. If recovery is not possible, it’s often better to let the exception propagate.

  • Exceptions are organized into a hierarchy. Instead of trying to defend against every exceptions look to see if there is a higher exception that you can handle.

  • These are the only exceptions that alter control flow: SystemsExit, KeyboardInterrupt, StopIteration

  • Exceptions have an associated stack traceback that provides information about where an error occurred. The traceback is stored in the __traceback__ attribute of an exception. You can use the traceback module to produce the traceback message yourself, which is helpful for reporting or debugging

    import traceback
    except Exception as e:
      tblines = traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__)
      tbmsg = ''.join(tblines)
      print("It Failed:")
    It Failed:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/tmp/ipykernel_40760/", line 4, in <module>
    NameError: name 'spam' is not defined

Chapter 4. Objects, Types and Protocols

  • Identity is the is a number representing the values location in memory

  • All objects are reference-counted

  • An object’s reference count is increased whenever it’s assigned to a new name or placed in a container such as a list, tuple or dictionary. The current reference count of an object can be obtained by using sys.getrefcount() function.

  • Once an object’s reference count reaches zero, it is garbage-collected.

  • None is stored as a singleton so it best to test against none with the is or is not operator instead of ==.

  • Object Protocols is another term to describe dunder methods

  • Using in place operators like += or -+ might be able to provide performance optimizations when the object is not shared because it can modify in place without allocating a newly created object for the result.

Chapter 5. Functions

  • Only use immutable objects for default argument values because default arguments are evaluated once when the function is first defined, not each time the function is called.

  • It’s possible to force the use of keyword arguments by listing parameters after a * argument in the definition def read_data(filename, *, debug=False) this would make it so read_data('data.csv', True) would not work and you have to write read_date('data.csv', debug=True)

  • Side Effects occur when functions mutate their input values, or change the state of other parts of the program behind the scenes.

  • Functions that do have side effects tend to return None

  • NamedTuple allows you to reference the returned values using named attributes:

    from typing import NamedTuple
    class ParseResult(NamedTuple):
      name: str
      value: str
    def parse_value(text):
      Split text of the form name=val into (name, val)
      parts = text.split("=", 1)
      return ParseResult(parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip())
    r = parse_value("url=")
    print(, r.value)

    I don’t quite understand this late binding example for lambda expressions.

    x = 2 
    f = lambda y: x*y
    x = 3
    g = lambda y: x*y
    x = 2 
    f = lambda y, x=x: x*y
    x = 3
    g = lambda y, x=x: x*y
  • Higher-order Functions mean functions can be passed as arguments to other functions, placed in data structures, and returned as a result… Said to be first-class objects

  • Callback Function when a functions “call back” another function.

  • Closure a function with an environment containing all the variables needed to execute the function body

    import time
    def after(seconds, func):
    def main():
      name = "Tyler"
      def greeting():
        print("Hello", name)
      after(3, greeting) # the function remembers its env, an uses the value of name (closure)
    Hello Tyler
  • Closures and nested functions are useful when you write code based on the concept of lazy or delayed evaluation. The after() function is an illustration of this. It receives a function that is not evaluated right away–that only happens at some later point.

  • To solve the issue of not being able to pass arguments to function callbacks, we need to think about function composition, “when functions are mixed together in various ways, you need to think about how function inputs and outputs connect together

  • Thunk a smmall zero-argument function after(10, lambda: add(2,3)). It’s an expression that will be evaluated later when it’s eventually called as a zero-argument function.

  • You can use partial() instead of a lambda with the key difference being that partial() the arguments are evaluated and bound at the time the partial function is first defined. With a zero-argument lambda the arguments are evaluated and bound when the lambda function actually executes later

  • Currying is a functional programming technique where a multiple-argument function is expressed as a chain of nested single-argument functions:

    # three argument function
    def f(x, y, z):
      return x + y + z
    # curried version
    def fc(x):
      return lambda y: (lambda z: x + y + z) # okay this makes no sense to me 
    # example use
    a = f(2, 3, 4)
    b = fc(2)(3)(4)
  • LOL this part of the book about currying has me dying 😂

    This is not a common Python programming style and there are few practical reasons for doing it. However, sometimes you’ll hear the word “currying” thrown about in conversations with coders who’ve spent too much time warping their brains with things like lambda calculus. This technique of handling multiple arguments is named in honor of the famous logician Haskell Curry. Knowing what it is might be useful–should you stumble into a group of functional programmers having a heated flamewar at a social event.

  • Some issues arise when return callback function results. Mainly from the fact that it can be hard to distinguish when where an error is coming from, the original function or the callback function. Here are some techniques to handle this:

    # Chained Exceptions
    class CallbackError(Exception):
    def after(seconds, func, *args):
        return func(*args)
      except Exception as err:
        raise CallbackError("Callback function failed") from err
    # isolates errors from the supplied callback into its own exception category
      r = after(delay, add, x, y)
    except CallbackError as err:
      print("It failed. Reason", err.__cause__)
    NameError: name 'delay' is not defined
    # package the result of the callback function into some kind of result instance
    # that holds both a value and an error.
    def add(x,y):
      return x + y
    class Result:
      def __init__(self, value=None, exc=None):
        self._value = value
        self._exc = exc
      def result(self):
        if self._exc:
          raise self._exc
          return self._value
    def after(seconds, func, *args):
        return Result(value=func(*args))
      except Exception as err:
        return Result(exc=err)
    # example use
    r = after(1, add, 2, 3)
    # s = after("1", add, 2, 3) raises Type Error
    t = after(1, add, "2", 3)
    print(t.result()) # raises type error
    TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
  • This style of boxing a result into a special instance to be unwrapped later is common pattern in modern programming languages. One reason is the function is fully defined with type checking as after will always return Result type def after(seconds, func, *args) -> Result

  • This pattern is not as common in Python code but it does arise when working with concurrency primitives such as threads and processes. For example, instances of so-called Future behave like this when working with thread pools. For example:

    from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
    pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(16)
    r = pool.submit(add, 2, 3)
  • Calling an async function doesn’t execute at all instead you get an instance of a coroutine object in return. It must run under supervision of other code. A common option is asyncio"Tyler"))

Chapter 6. Generators

Generators allows you to alter the spacetime dimensions of normal function evaluation.

  • So by using generators I become Loki?

Chapter 7. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming

  • Objects help encapsulate state

    class Account:
      A simple bank account
      owner: str
      balance: float
      def __init__(self, owner:str, balance:float):
        self.owner = owner
        self.balance = balance
      def __repr__(self):
        return f'Account({self.owner!r}, {self.balance!r})'
      def deposit(self, amount:float):
        self.balance += amount
      def withdraw(self, amount:float):
        self.balance -= amount
      def inquiry(self):
        return self.balance
    a = Account("Tyler", 1_000_000)
    Account('Tyler', 1000000)
  • Class itself doesn’t create any instances of the class. I like to think of it as the blue print on how to create the instance of the class

  • When you access a method as an attribute, you get an object known as a bound method. A bound method is an object that contains both an instance and the function that implements the method. You can call a bound method by adding parentheses and arguments, it executed the method, passing the attached instance as the first argument.

  • The self parameter in Python is akin to the this pointer in other languages, but in Python you always have to use it explicitly

  • Sometimes it’s better to avoid inheritance via composition. The example given in the book shows making a stack data structure with push and pop operations. A bad way to do this is by inheriting from the list class

    class Stack(list):
      def push(self, item):
    s = Stack()

    The problem with the above code is that is has other features that don’t make sense for the Stack data structure like inserting, sorting etc. This is called implementation inheritance–you used inheritance to reuse some code which you built something else, but you got a lot of features that aren’t pertinent to the problem. Instead we should composition. Build an independent class that happens to have a list contained in it.

    class Stack():
      def __init__(self):
          self._items = list()
      def push(self, item):
      def pop(self):
          return self._items.pop()
      def __len__(self):
          return len(self._items)
    s = Stack()
    <__main__.Stack at 0x7fd8613abad0>

    We could also extend the implementation by accepting an internal list class as an optional argument

    class Stack():
        def__init__(self, *, container=None):
            if container is None:
                container = list()
            self._items = container 

    This promotes loose coupling of components, e.g. you can make a stack that stores its elements in a typed array instead of a list.

    import array
    s = Stack(conatiner=array.array("i"))
    s.push("a lot") # TypeError

    This is also known as dependency injection. Instead of hardwiring Stack to depend on list, you can make it depend on any container a user decides to pass in, provided it implements the required interface.

  • I like to think of duck typing as python does not care if each variable is the same object but rather looks to see if implements the same interfaces to interact with it (methods and attributes). A good example is how the for loop works with many different objects such as lists, files, generators, strings etc. even though none of these classes inherit from any kind of special Iterable base class

  • Class Method is a method applied on the class itself, not an instance of it. Meaning you do not pass self in the method but instead cls. It’s common to create class methods to define alternate instance constructors and you can create the method by adding the @classmethod decorator.

  • Static Method is unlike a normal method or class method, a static method does not take extra self or cls argument. A static method is just an ordinary function that happens to be defined inside a class.

    class Ops:
        def add(x, y):
            return x + y
    def sub(x, y):
        return x - y
    a = Ops.add(2,3)
    b = Ops.sub(4,5)
    AttributeError: type object 'Ops' has no attribute 'sub'
  • Property is a special kind of attribute that intercepts attribute access and handles it via user-defined methods.

    import string
    class Account:
        def __init__(self, owner, balance):
            self.owner = owner
            self._balance = balance
        def owner(self):
            return self._owner
        def owner(self, value):
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                raise TypeError("Expected Str")
            if not all(c in string.ascii_uppercase for c in value):
                raise ValueError("Must be uppercase ASCII")
            if len(value) > 10:
                raise ValueError("Must be 10 characters or less")
            self._owner = value

    In this above example the owner attribute is being constrained to a 10-char uppercase ASCII string. With this property set on owner it now automatically routes through the getter/setter methods that you implemented.

  • In the __init__ method we have to use self.owner = owner instead of self._owner = owner otherwise it would case infinite recursion. T

    Since each access to a property attribute automatically invokes a method, the actual value needs to b stored under a different name. This is why _owner is used inside the getter and setter methods.

  • Abstract base classes using the abc module and the @abstractmethod are used together to describe an interface. It’s not meant to be instantiated directly rather serve as a guide for writing subclasses.

  • Wow OOP can get complex in python, but I appreciate the author’s advice at the end of the chapter which is basically keep it simple stupid.

Chapter 8. Modules and Packages

  • A common misconception is that the from module import name statement is more efficient–possible only loading part of a module. This is not the case. Either way, the entire module is loaded and stored in the cache.

    Interesting, I definitely had this misconception

  • Package is a collection of modules that are grouped under a common top-level name.

  • You can run a package submodule as a script but defining a if __name__ == "__main__" and then executingpython -m`

  • You can use the to build and manage the contents of the top level namespace.

Chapter 9. Input and Output

  • The formatting of strings follows this format [[fill][align][sign][0][width][,][.precision][type]

  • one useful easter egg of the http package is the ability for Python to run a standalone web server. Go a directory with a collection of files and type the following:

    $ python -m http.server
    Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ... 
  • os.path is legacy, use the pathlib module instead


I know this book is called “Python Distilled” but wow does it get in pretty in depth. Before this book I would classify myself as a “fundamental” python programmer (which I like to think of as someone between intermediate and beginner level). I found this book to be very helpful to me as it felt like I got to “look under the cover” as to how a lot of the different functionality of python works. I believe any python programmer will get some value added out of reading this book but I think it can really serve as a great jumping off point for other non python programmers who are looking to learn python.